Notariusz w Krakowie Agnieszka Kozek Logo

Documents and Fees

Notarial fee

Comprehensive information about the amount of notarial fees, other fees and taxes on specific activities will be provided to you upon contacting the Notary Office. Legal advice given by a notary public in connection with the undertaken activity is free of charge. There is a possibility to negotiate the amount of notarial fees.

Court fee

Comprehensive information about the amount of notarial fees, other fees and taxes on specific activities will be provided to you upon contacting the Notary Office.

The fee is calculated separately from each entry in the Mortgage Book. In the case of cooperative member’s ownership right to residential premises, the fee is charged only if there is already a Mortgage Book being kept for such right or if the Mortgage Book will be established.

Tax on civil law transactions

Comprehensive information about the amount of notarial fees, other fees and taxes on specific activities will be provided to you upon contacting the Notary Office.

Inheritance and donation tax

Comprehensive information about the amount of notarial fees, other fees and taxes on specific activities will be provided to you upon contacting the Notary Office.

The acquisition of property or property rights by the spouse, descendants, ascendants, stepchild, brother, sister, stepfather and stepmother is exempt from tax.

Contact Notariusz Kraków

Notary Office Agnieszka Kozek
Notary Kraków
Plac Kossaka 3, 31-106 Kraków
(behind Jubilat, next to carpark)

Working hours for parties : Mon – Fri: 9.00 – 18.00
Other term and hours subject to prior agreement.

Next to Notary Office are located parking lots and attended car park.

NIP: 677 161 58 14 REGON: 356290278

Bank Account Number BNP PARIBAS:
PL 89 1600 1039 0002 0037 5445 6001

The Notary Office was located at Kossaka Square 3 in the Centrum of Kraków, since 2003, next to Jubilat, Hotel Kossak, the Wawel and in the immediate vicinity of urban transport. The current location allows a convenient access and parking place and in the surroundings of our Notary Office our Customers have at their disposal parking lots, the branches of most banks, departments of the Municipality of Kraków and Business tax office.

Near areas: Stare Miasto, Salwator, Zwierzyniec, Dębniki, Śródmieście,  Bronowice, Prądnik, Krowodrza, Kazimierz, Zabłocie, Podgórze, Nowa Huta.

Urban  transport:  MPK Jubilat.